Our housing model supports those facing accommodation problems and leaving the Criminal Justice System.
- IOM Resettlement Houses are for people engaged in the criminal justice system, who need support to survive in the short or longer term (following prison release). These houses offer people somewhere safe and warm with support and structure to help them address their offending behaviour.
- Transitional Houses are for people who are already creating stability in their lives and transitioning from offending behaviour to a healthier sustainable lifestyle. At this stage, residents are supported to rebuild their relationships with family and the local community and develop a network of support through mutual-aid and community groups.
- Independent Houses are for residents who have stable and fulfilling relationships. They are active members of the community, often in employment or education and able to help others to achieve similar goals. We support residents to continue to build their resilience, self-determination and confidence so they can go on to lead fully independent lives. Residents can formalise their volunteering as an accredited OCN (LASER) Behavioural Change Coach.
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Behaviour Change
Our innovative Foundations of Rehabilitation programme uses a range of evidence-based tools and techniques to focus on the root causes of offending behaviour and help people develop a personalised set of sustainable strategies to build recovery capital for long-term desistance. The programme is delivered across the city in partnership with Change Grow Live.
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Our accredited Behavioural Change Coaches support prison leavers and those with a history of offending behaviour to focus on their strengths and explore opportunities for change available across the local community. Our highly-trained coaches typically have previous experience of the Criminal Justice System which helps them support people effectively to make positive, long-term life changes.
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We provide safe and supportive homes for people moving through recovery towards independent living.

Behaviour change
Our therapeutic programmes motivate people to learn and grow and achieve a positive future.

We recruit and train volunteer coaches to support people in recovery and their families to sustain positive change.