We provide transitional accommodation for people using our recovery services. These are safe homes with intensive group work and individual 1-2-1 support. There is a big emphasis on structure, routine, peer support and community activities such as volunteering, with the aim to support people into their own independent accommodation. Residents are not allowed to use drugs and alcohol. However, people who lapse are able to transition back to our recovery pathway housing (subject to spaces), or alternatively, supported elsewhere in the community (by our staff or local drug services), until they can return.
Anyone can make a referral, download the below attachment or contact us on the email provided.
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Behaviour Change
Emerging Futures, working in partnership with Change Grow Live facilitating a through the gate package of care, ensuring that upon release those leaving prison will have direct access to support on the day of discharge from their local prison.
Our Prison Link Workers will meet individuals at the prison gate and ensure that they engage with Change Grow Live on their day of release. We then support them for up to 8 weeks in a behaviour change process, ensuring a smooth transition into community prescribing.
Contact us
Behaviour change
Our therapeutic programmes motivate people to learn and grow and achieve a positive future.