Month: December 2024

Navigating Christmas: ’Tis the season to be jolly sober

Navigating Christmas: ’Tis the season to be jolly sober Smiling lady in glasses and a denim jacket. Text overlay reads, "Navigating Christmas: 'Tis the season to be jolly sober"

Christmas doesn’t need to be drowned in mulled wine and sweet sherry to be fun. But for those on a sober journey, it pays to think ahead. Let’s face it, the festive season is awash with booze and for those who are sober, navigating Christmas can be challenging and sometimes daunting. At Emerging Futures, we’re […]

Sharing messages of hope during Addiction Awareness Week

Sharing messages of hope during Addiction Awareness Week Smiling lady and man sitting on a sofa. Text overlay reads, "Sharing messages of hope during Addiction Awareness Week."

Addiction affects everyone BUT recovery is possible It’s Addiction Awareness Week and we’re helping to share messages of hope from people who have been there and know what it’s like. The campaign from Taking Action on Addiction aims to dispel the stigma surrounding addiction and encourage people to seek help as early as possible. We […]