Why socially invested landlords should work with EF
Working in partnership to deliver safe, compliant housing that meets local needs We are keen to talk to more socially invested landlords who are considering
Working in partnership to deliver safe, compliant housing that meets local needs We are keen to talk to more socially invested landlords who are considering
During Recovery Month, Emerging Futures celebrates the support and success stories that prove recovery is possible. Addiction can affect anyone, at any point in their
Emerging Futures CIC reports on gender pay for the first time. Every day, women continue to be paid less than their male counterparts, with much
From serving time to Service Manager Caught in the cycle of reoffending and serving time, Dominic spent over a decade of his life in prison.
Promoting healing through performance At Emerging Futures’ Glen Valley House in Rossendale, Lancashire, residents are gearing up to share their personal stories of addiction and
Grateful for the expertise and professionalism of Emerging Futures’ founder Emerging Futures has paid a special tribute to outgoing Chief Executive Ray Jenkins, thanking him
Emerging Futures announce new leadership In March, Emerging Futures Founder and CEO, Ray Jenkins, will move on from Emerging Futures as CEO, leaving way for
Why people fail with New Year’s resolutions, and how we can encourage lasting behaviour change. Every year on January 1st, without fail, a large part
Powerful stories of addiction and recovery reveal the real people behind the statistics Two hundred staff, along with commissioners, housing and treatment partner agencies and
Growth and Quality Emerging Futures exists to change lives. Everything we do focuses on this goal. We want to know what works so we can